Re­gen­eron posts sec­ond look on Covid-19 an­ti­body cock­tail, boost­ing its case for EUA — but what about symp­tom al­le­vi­a­tion?

Re­gen­eron has re­vealed a sec­ond cut of da­ta on its Covid-19 an­ti­body cock­tail in the out­pa­tient set­ting — da­ta that it has sent straight to the FDA to boost its emer­gency use au­tho­riza­tion re­quest.

The new re­sults re­in­force what’s re­port­ed from the same tri­al last month, Re­gen­eron said, in­cor­po­rat­ing a to­tal of 799 non-hos­pi­tal­ized pa­tients with mild-to-mod­er­ate dis­ease. REGN-COV2 re­duced vi­ral load and pa­tient med­ical vis­its (any­thing rang­ing from hos­pi­tal­iza­tions, emer­gency room, ur­gent care vis­its to physi­cian of­fice and telemed­i­cine vis­its), meet­ing all the key end­points.

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