Re­silience plans to ex­pand Ohio fa­cil­i­ty with 440 new jobs over three years

Na­tion­al Re­silience is ex­pand­ing its op­er­a­tions in West Chester, OH, to “near­ly dou­ble” its ca­pac­i­ty.

The com­pa­ny is adding 440 new jobs across its man­u­fac­tur­ing en­gi­neer­ing, qual­i­ty con­trol, in­ter­net tech­nol­o­gy and man­age­ment di­vi­sions. Ac­cord­ing to a Mon­day press re­lease, the new hires will take place over the next three years; 274 will be di­rect em­ploy­ees, and 166 will be con­trac­tors. In a re­lease in Jan­u­ary, the com­pa­ny not­ed the site has around 500 work­ers.

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