Rev­enue down? No wor­ries for Gilead CEO Mil­li­gan as com­pen­sa­tion swells to $15.4M

Gilead pro­vid­ed some fresh ev­i­dence Mon­day evening that tur­bu­lent fi­nan­cials are no rea­son to hold back a raise for the CEO.

In their proxy state­ment de­liv­ered af­ter the mar­kets closed, Gilead $GILD re­vealed that they had hand­ed CEO John Mil­li­gan a com­pen­sa­tion pack­age to­tal­ing $15.4 mil­lion — de­spite the fact that com­pa­ny rev­enue had plunged more than $4 bil­lion dur­ing the course of 2017.

In 2016 Mil­li­gan made $13.9 mil­lion, with his new salary com­ing in close to twice the $8.2 mil­lion he made in 2015, just be­fore he got the top job. He pulled down a beefed up $3.2 mil­lion bonus for his ac­com­plish­ments last year. All told, his com­pen­sa­tion shot up about 11%.

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