Ris­ing from the IL-2 ash­es and dras­tic re­org, Nek­tar in merg­er talks with PureTech

The ques­tion has hung around the air for months now: Where will Nek­tar, the one-time high-fly­ing biotech once best known for its Bris­tol My­ers Squibb al­liance, go af­ter the multi­bil­lion-dol­lar IL-2 pro­gram fell apart?

What about a merg­er?

Lon­don-based PureTech Health sur­prised the in­dus­try with a late Thurs­day state­ment con­firm­ing that “it has ex­changed in­dica­tive, non-bind­ing pro­pos­als with Nek­tar Ther­a­peu­tics” re­gard­ing a pos­si­ble com­bi­na­tion, “which may in­clude, amongst oth­er things, an of­fer for share cap­i­tal of PureTech.”

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