Ro­bot­ic pill mak­er Rani paus­es pro­grams, cuts head­count to ex­tend cash run­way through 2025

Rani Ther­a­peu­tics is sus­pend­ing two pro­grams and ax­ing a third pro­gram along­side a quar­ter of its work­force as part of a strate­gic reshuf­fling so that the com­pa­ny can fo­cus on oth­er as­sets and ex­tend its cash run­way.

The ro­bot­ic pill com­pa­ny will slash its work­force by 25% and dis­con­tin­ue its Phase I pro­gram, RT-101, for neu­roen­docrine tu­mors and acromegaly. Rani had 163 em­ploy­ees as of Dec. 31 last year, as per an SEC fil­ing.

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