Roche amps up its bis­pe­cif­ic at­tack on Eylea with more PhI­II da­ta — but just how threat­en­ing is it?

Roche has an­oth­er stack of da­ta to back up its longer-act­ing chal­lenger to Eylea — al­though it’s still far from cer­tain just how much they can threat­en Re­gen­eron’s dom­i­nance.

The lat­est Phase III re­sults come from two tri­als that en­rolled 1,329 pa­tients with neo­vas­cu­lar age-re­lat­ed mac­u­lar de­gen­er­a­tion. With 45% of peo­ple in both stud­ies get­ting faricimab 16 weeks apart dur­ing the first year, the bis­pe­cif­ic still in­duced the same lev­el of gains in vi­su­al acu­ity as Eylea every 8 weeks did, Roche’s Genen­tech re­port­ed.

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