Roche de­tails Ale­cen­sa da­ta that may shift the drug to post-surgery ALK-pos­i­tive lung can­cer: #ES­MO23

MADRID — Roche on Sat­ur­day tout­ed ad­di­tion­al da­ta from a study show­ing that its drug Ale­cen­sa of­fers “un­prece­dent­ed” dis­ease-free sur­vival in pa­tients with com­plete­ly re­sect­ed ALK-pos­i­tive non-small cell lung can­cer.

Last week, Roche un­veiled topline da­ta to its Phase III ALI­NA study, show­ing the drug de­liv­ered a 76% drop in dis­ease re­cur­rence or death when com­pared with plat­inum-based chemother­a­py in pa­tients who have had their stage IB to II­IA tu­mors re­sect­ed.

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