Thomas Schinecker, Roche CEO (ddp images/Sipa USA/Sipa via AP Images)

Roche dou­bles down on high-im­pact projects af­ter slash­ing 20% of its pipeline

Roche has axed one-fifth of its pipeline since the third quar­ter of 2023 as part of a broad­er port­fo­lio re­view aimed at boost­ing the com­pa­ny’s fo­cus on high-im­pact projects.

“We’ve tak­en out 20% of our mol­e­cules that have a low­er like­li­hood to suc­ceed, and we’ve added new ones through part­ner­ing,” CEO Thomas Schi­neck­er said on a first-quar­ter earn­ings call with the me­dia. It’s part of nor­mal busi­ness to pri­or­i­tize and “con­stant­ly re­al­lo­cate,” he added.

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