Jnana co-founders Joanne Kotz (L) and Joel Barrish

Roche dou­bles down on Jnana's drug dis­cov­ery plat­form, kick­ing off sec­ond deal with $50M cash — while biotech bags $107M

What­ev­er Roche has learned about Jnana Ther­a­peu­tics’ drug dis­cov­ery plat­form over the past two years, it’s in­trigued enough to set up a sec­ond part­ner­ship.

While the last deal had cen­tered on solute car­ri­ers — or SLCs, the huge fam­i­ly of pro­teins that Jnana had built its name on — this time around, Roche wants to ap­ply Jnana’s tech on a range of oth­er hard-to-drug tar­gets. The phar­ma gi­ant will dish out $50 mil­lion up­front, plus “sig­nif­i­cant near-term mile­stone pay­ments” and more than $2 bil­lion in mile­stones.

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