Qasim Rizvi, KSQ Therapeutics CEO

Roche li­cens­es KSQ's PhI can­cer small mol­e­cule, with cash in­fu­sion to help bankroll biotech's TIL cell ther­a­pies

KSQ Ther­a­peu­tics quick­ly lined up an­oth­er Big Phar­ma part­ner­ship, this time al­ly­ing with Roche in on­col­o­gy, and it plans to use the cash wind­fall to fund a clin­i­cal en­try next year for its in­ter­nal TIL cell ther­a­pies.

The Lex­ing­ton, MA-based biotech said Thurs­day it is out-li­cens­ing its clin­i­cal-stage small mol­e­cule in­hibitor KSQ-4279 in ex­change for a “very nice up­front and very nice short-term mile­stones,” as well as po­ten­tial roy­al­ties, KSQ CEO Qasim Rizvi told End­points News. Roche nabbed the world­wide rights.

Endpoints News

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