Roche moves deep­er in­to Mer­ck ter­ri­to­ry with Tecen­triq/chemo OK in front­line NSCLC

Roche has nailed down the FDA ap­proval it needs to catch up with Mer­ck in front­line non-squa­mous non-small cell lung can­cer, po­si­tion­ing Tecen­triq for a broad­er swath of pa­tients.

The lat­est OK cov­ers the use of the PD-L1 drug in com­bi­na­tion with a chemother­a­py reg­i­men com­pris­ing Abrax­ane and car­bo­platin in NSCLC pa­tients whose can­cer has metas­ta­sized and doesn’t car­ry EGFR or ALK ge­nom­ic tu­mor aber­ra­tions.

It’s a sim­i­lar la­bel to Mer­ck’s PD-1 star Keytru­da, which was ap­proved in con­junc­tion with a dif­fer­ent type of chemo for front­line treat­ment last Au­gust.

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