Af­ter years of de­lay, Roche takes one of Spark’s he­mo­phil­ia gene ther­a­pies in­to PhI­II, drops an­oth­er

As Roche fi­nal­ly puts one gene ther­a­py for he­mo­phil­ia A in­to Phase III, it’s dis­card­ing an­oth­er.

Roche dis­closed the re­moval of RG6358, or SPK-8016, in its sec­ond quar­ter earn­ings pre­sen­ta­tion, where it al­so not­ed that a Phase III tri­al of RG6357, or SPK-8011, has been ini­ti­at­ed. The com­pa­ny is aim­ing to open en­roll­ment for the study, which will be called Key­stone1, lat­er this year, a spokesper­son con­firmed in an email.

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