Teresa Graham, Roche Pharmaceuticals CEO

Up­dat­ed: Roche pays Al­ny­lam $310M cash to part­ner on RNAi can­di­date for heart dis­ease

Roche is buy­ing in­to a mid-stage car­dio­vas­cu­lar drug can­di­date out of Al­ny­lam’s RNAi plat­form in a deal that starts with $310 mil­lion up­front and could add up to $2.8 bil­lion.

The two com­pa­nies will co-de­vel­op and co-com­mer­cial­ize the pro­gram, zilebe­sir­an, as a treat­ment of hy­per­ten­sion in pa­tients with high car­dio­vas­cu­lar risk and oth­er heart dis­eases by low­er­ing blood pres­sure.

In the US, the duo will split prof­its and loss­es equal­ly, while Roche will take on ex-US sales and pay Al­ny­lam a roy­al­ty in those re­gions. It al­so agreed to shoul­der 60% of the de­vel­op­ment costs for the first in­di­ca­tion, which will in­clude an ex­pen­sive car­dio­vas­cu­lar out­comes tri­al pri­or to fil­ing for ap­proval. Al­ny­lam will lead that joint ef­fort.

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