Severin Schwan, Roche CEO (Georgios Kefalas/Keystone via AP Images)

Roche reach­es out once again for the bud­get ax with plans to chop up to 400 de­vel­op­ment jobs in R&D

Roche ex­ecs are once more reach­ing for the bud­get ax in the lat­est re­or­ga­ni­za­tion, this time aim­ing at its big R&D or­ga­ni­za­tion.

The Swiss news­pa­per Blick re­port­ed on a record­ing of a call in which CMO Levi Gar­raway out­lined plans to cut 300 to 400 jobs out of its prod­uct de­vel­op­ment group.

“We’ve made the dif­fi­cult de­ci­sion to re­duce our work­force in PD by around 5-7% by the end of the year,” Gar­raway says on the call. “And that equates to some­where be­tween 300 to 400 roles that will be im­pact­ed glob­al­ly.”

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