Roche silent­ly scraps two one-time block­buster hope­fuls as $725M Ser­agon deal craters

The but­toned down ex­ecs at Roche don’t tra­di­tion­al­ly spend much time mourn­ing dead pro­grams or fa­tal deals. But its brief sum­ma­ry of the phar­ma gi­ant’s Q4 drug dis­cards is no­tably silent — even by Roche stan­dards — on two big set­backs on a pair of drugs that once held a key place in its line­up of po­ten­tial block­busters.

Last April the phar­ma gi­ant told me that af­ter bury­ing the lead se­lec­tive es­tro­gen re­cep­tor de­graders (SERDs) pro­gram from their $725 mil­lion Ser­agon buy­out — which al­so in­clud­ed about a bil­lion in mile­stones — re­searchers were turn­ing to an­oth­er drug they had bagged in the deal. But this morn­ing, their fol­low-up breast can­cer pro­gram for RG-6047 — al­so known as GDC-0927 — got cut.

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