Roche's IM­pow­er133 of­fers a glimpse at rare progress in fight against small cell lung can­cer

Last sum­mer Roche’s big R&D group at Genen­tech her­ald­ed a break­through with pos­i­tive sur­vival and dis­ease pro­gres­sion da­ta for its front­line study of its check­point con­tender Tecen­triq in small cell lung can­cer — with land­mark re­sults for a field that had long stymied in­ves­ti­ga­tors.

To­day, the phar­ma gi­ant spelled out its spe­cif­ic gains from IM­pow­er133, set­ting a mark at the World Con­fer­ence on Lung Can­cer that oth­ers can start to shoot at.

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