Safe­ty con­cerns cause GSK to stop high­ly an­tic­i­pat­ed vac­cine tri­al in sur­prise set­back

Days af­ter putting a trio of vac­cine tri­als on vol­un­tary pause, Glax­o­SmithK­line is of­fi­cial­ly stop­ping en­roll­ment and vac­ci­na­tion in tri­als in­volv­ing its res­pi­ra­to­ry syn­cy­tial virus (RSV) ma­ter­nal vac­cine can­di­date in preg­nant women.

In a state­ment to End­points News, a GSK spokesper­son con­firmed that the de­ci­sion is based on the same “ob­ser­va­tion from a rou­tine safe­ty as­sess­ment” that had led to the pause.

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