An­oth­er Eylea com­peti­tor pre­pares to en­ter the ring fol­low­ing pos­i­tive PhI­II read­out

Re­gen­eron may soon be star­ing down an­oth­er com­peti­tor to its block­buster Eylea. San­doz’s biosim­i­lar can­di­date afliber­cept proved equiv­a­lent to the brand-name eye drug in a Phase III tri­al, San­doz an­nounced Tues­day.

The study pit­ted the biosim­i­lar against Eylea in pa­tients with neo­vas­cu­lar age-re­lat­ed mac­u­lar de­gen­er­a­tion, an eye con­di­tion that can lead to vi­sion loss. Ac­cord­ing to San­doz, the biosim­i­lar showed “ther­a­peu­tic equiv­a­lence” to Eylea in mean change of best cor­rect­ed vi­su­al acu­ity over eight weeks, and across safe­ty, im­muno­genic­i­ty and phar­ma­co­ki­net­ics. The re­sults will al­low the No­var­tis gener­ics unit to file for ap­proval in the US and EU “in the com­ing months.”

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