Sang­amo shares take a big hit as in­vestors re­act to set­back for pi­o­neer­ing gene-edit­ing tech

Sang­amo $SG­MO to­day re­leased the first snap­shots from two ear­ly-stage stud­ies look­ing at the ef­fect their first-gen­er­a­tion gene edit­ing tech­nol­o­gy has on two rare and lethal dis­eases — MPS I and II. And from it Sang­amo CEO Sandy Macrae has reached two ba­sic con­clu­sions:

“It’s work­ing and it’s not suf­fi­cient for a clin­i­cal ben­e­fit.”

That con­clu­sion — along with Sang­amo’s as­ser­tion that their zinc fin­ger nu­cle­ase ap­proach is safe — is dri­ving a switch-up in the clin­ic, where the biotech is pur­su­ing a his­toric at­tempt to en­gi­neer a break­through in gene-edit­ing hu­mans af­ter years of an­i­mal re­search.

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Viridian Therapeutics

Waltham, MA, USA