Celebrating the founding of Sanofi's future Evolutive Vaccines Facility (EVF) production unit (L-R): CEO Paul Hudson; Olivier Véran, Minister of Health; Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation; Jean Castex, Prime Minister; Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister of Industry; Eric Bellot, Mayor of Neuville-sur-Saône (courtesy Sanofi)

Sanofi CEO Paul Hud­son sketch­es a $1B-plus in­vest­ment on its new mR­NA cen­ter

Over the years, Paris-based Sanofi has had a com­plex re­la­tion­ship with its home coun­try of France. One for­mer CEO (Chris Viehbach­er) seemed to en­joy prod­ding …

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