Benjamin Oakes, Scribe Therapeutics CEO

Sanofi, Doud­na-found­ed Scribe Ther­a­peu­tics to tar­get sick­le cell dis­ease in new pact

Sanofi has inked an­oth­er col­lab­o­ra­tion with its CRISPR part­ner Scribe Ther­a­peu­tics as the duo seeks to cre­ate a new­er, safer ap­proach to tack­ling sick­le cell dis­ease.

The French phar­ma gi­ant will pay Scribe $40 mil­lion up­front, and it could dish out more than $1.2 bil­lion down the road for mile­stones across an undis­closed num­ber of pro­grams that will com­bine Scribe’s so-called CRISPR X-edit­ing tech and Sanofi’s non-vi­ral de­liv­ery tech­nolo­gies.

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