Paul Hudson, Sanofi CEO (Jeremy Paoloni/Abaca/Sipa USA(Sipa via AP Images))

De­spite on­col­o­gy cut­backs, Sanofi isn’t out of the game yet with ear­ly as­sets

Sanofi is keep­ing an ear­ly pipeline of on­col­o­gy projects even as it axed clin­i­cal-stage pro­grams and re­al­lo­cat­ed re­sources to im­munol­o­gy, CEO Paul Hud­son told re­porters Thurs­day morn­ing.

Hud­son al­so said that the French phar­ma is not ex­pect­ing a sig­nif­i­cant im­pact from the US leg­is­la­tion tar­get­ing Chi­nese ser­vice providers giv­en the “grand­fa­ther na­ture” of ex­ist­ing re­la­tion­ships.

Sanofi, which is mak­ing moves to be an “im­munol­o­gy pow­er­house,” has made clear over the past few months that it’s look­ing to nar­row its on­col­o­gy work af­ter sev­er­al bold plat­form plays didn’t work out the way it had hoped. Those changes took shape in re­cent weeks with the planned di­vest­ment of Amu­nix, shut­ter­ing of Kiadis and shrink­ing of a deal with IGM. It’s al­so led to job cuts.

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