US Olympic gymnast Yul Moldauer, and Team Sanofi Paris 2024 member, meets scientists in Sanofi labs in Boston

Sanofi taps pow­er of Paris Olympic spon­sor­ship to en­cour­age em­ploy­ees to find their 'po­ten­tial'

It’s now one year and count­ing un­til the 2024 Sum­mer Olympic and Par­a­lympic Games in Paris, but Sanofi is al­ready ac­ti­vat­ing Team Sanofi.

For the Paris-based drug­mak­er, it’s not just an­oth­er glob­al event com­ing to its home­town, it’s an op­por­tu­ni­ty for Sanofi to en­gage with em­ploy­ees around the ideals of the Games in the year lead­ing up to the event.

A few weeks ago, US Olympian Yul Moldauer vis­it­ed Sanofi’s Boston cam­pus for what was sup­posed to be a short meet-up with a few peo­ple, in­clud­ing Bill Si­bold, Sanofi’s head of spe­cial­ty care and a “men­tor” to the gym­nast. As part of Team Sanofi, each of the 10 ath­letes and four coach­es are paired with a mem­ber of Sanofi’s ex­ec­u­tive com­mit­tee.

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