Paul Hudson, Sanofi CEO (Eric Piermont/AFP via Getty Images)

Sanofi to cut jobs in pipeline re­struc­tur­ing

Sanofi’s “new chap­ter” will in­volve job cuts and scrap­ping sev­er­al on­col­o­gy re­search projects, a spokesper­son con­firmed to End­points News on Fri­day.

The phar­ma gi­ant is con­duct­ing a “full pipeline repri­or­i­ti­za­tion project,” ac­cord­ing to an in­ter­nal email ob­tained by Fierce Biotech. Sanofi de­clined a re­quest by End­points to ex­plain which pro­grams are be­ing cut, how many jobs will be af­fect­ed or when the changes will oc­cur.

Endpoints News

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