Sanofi’s BTK in­hibitor from Prin­cip­ia deal suc­ceeds in Phase 3 im­mune throm­bo­cy­tope­nia tri­al

Sanofi’s $3.7 bil­lion buy­out of Prin­cip­ia Bio­phar­ma may be start­ing to pay off af­ter a co­va­lent BTK in­hibitor it ob­tained in the deal hit the pri­ma­ry end­point in a Phase 3 test in pa­tients with an au­toim­mune blood dis­or­der.

The Phase 3 LU­NA 3 tri­al set twice-dai­ly oral rilz­abru­ti­nib — which Sanofi ac­quired dur­ing its 2020 pur­chase of Prin­cip­ia — ver­sus place­bo in adults and ado­les­cents with per­sis­tent or chron­ic im­mune throm­bo­cy­tope­nia (ITP).

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