Sanofi’s Mourenx pro­duc­tion site leaked a po­ten­tial­ly can­cer­ous neu­ro­tox­in for the sec­ond time 

Sanofi’s chem­i­cal pro­duc­tion fa­cil­i­ty in Mourenx, France, is un­der scruti­ny again af­ter leak­ing an ex­cess of the neu­ro­tox­in bro­mo­propane, hav­ing been tem­porar­i­ly shut down five years ago over the same is­sue.

The leak was first re­port­ed Mon­day by French news out­let Le Monde, which said the site re­leased 75 times the amount of bro­mo­propane than the le­gal lim­it in mid-No­vem­ber. The peak 156 mg/m3 emis­sion cit­ed in Le Monde’s sto­ry last­ed for on­ly one hour, a Sanofi spokesper­son told End­points News in an emailed state­ment.

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