Sanofi's R&D day pos­es some big chal­lenges as skep­tics cir­cle in wake of a Deng­vax­ia fi­as­co

The view from John Car­roll

To­mor­row the an­a­lysts that cov­er Sanofi $SNY will gath­er in Paris to hear the phar­ma gi­ant out­line its R&D strat­e­gy. And more than a few skep­tics from the in­vestor com­mu­ni­ty will be on hand.

Af­ter re­ly­ing on part­ners like Re­gen­eron $REGN and Al­ny­lam $AL­NY to de­liv­er the goods on in­no­va­tion and sig­nif­i­cant new progress in drug de­vel­op­ment, chief sci­en­tist Elias Zer­houni be­lieves it’s time to be­come more self-re­liant.

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