Doug Ingram, Sarepta credit BCG

Sarep­ta shares slammed on re­port gene ther­a­py Duchenne MD pa­tient was hos­pi­tal­ized, but the com­pa­ny says it is 'er­ro­neous'

Sarep­ta has some ex­plain­ing to do.

The biotech’s shares $SRPT nose dived 13% on Thurs­day af­ter a re­port sur­faced that one of the chil­dren in its gene ther­a­py study was hos­pi­tal­ized with rhab­domy­ol­y­sis in Feb­ru­ary, which hit the FDA’s ad­verse event ros­ter. Its shares then plunged 13% be­fore trad­ing was halt­ed.

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