Sarep­ta’s Duchenne gene ther­a­py gets off to a strong start in sales, as fu­ture lies in lim­bo

Sarep­ta Ther­a­peu­tics said it brought in $69 mil­lion in sales from its Duchenne mus­cu­lar dy­s­tro­phy gene ther­a­py in the first few months the treat­ment has been avail­able com­mer­cial­ly.

De­spite the fact that the first dose of the gene ther­a­py, mar­ket­ed as Ele­v­idys, was de­liv­ered in Au­gust, it eclipsed two of Sarep­ta’s oth­er Duchenne treat­ments in third-quar­ter sales — Amondys 45 and Vyondys 53. Both of those are ex­on skip­ping drugs de­vel­oped for Duchenne pa­tients with spe­cif­ic mu­ta­tions.

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