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Sci­en­tists and star­tups re­veal new gene in­ser­tion tech­niques, though much re­mains be­hind closed doors: #AS­GCT24

Sev­er­al se­cre­tive and well-fund­ed biotechs are shar­ing the first glimpses of da­ta from a new suite of gene edit­ing tools that promise to over­come one of the field’s grand chal­lenges: pre­cise­ly in­sert­ing large se­quences of DNA, or even whole genes, in­to the genome.

So far, most work with CRISPR gene edit­ing has used the tool to turn off prob­lem­at­ic genes. New­er ver­sions of the tech­nol­o­gy, like base edit­ing and prime edit­ing, can make small changes to one or a few let­ters of ge­net­ic code, re­spec­tive­ly. But re­plac­ing large swathes of er­rant code, or up­load­ing brand new ones, has re­mained a chal­lenge.

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