Rob Mooney, Thunder Biotech CEO

Scoop: Caris­ma stole CAR-M Thun­der for a while, but a Utah biotech is qui­et­ly rais­ing funds to en­ter the fray

There’s calm be­fore the storm. And there’s calm af­ter the storm.

That’s the case for a Utah biotech that for years has flown un­der the CAR-M radar, be­ing out­paced by the likes of Mod­er­na-al­lied Caris­ma Ther­a­peu­tics. The up­start worked calm­ly, put walls around its IP and pur­pose­ful­ly steered clear of talks with in­sti­tu­tion­al in­vestors and phar­mas be­fore it would open its doors to a po­ten­tial storm of at­ten­tion.

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