Scoop: Tur­ing CEO and Shkre­li al­ly Ron Tilles is out as CEO, R&D chief Sali­nas takes the helm and board vote looms

Regime change of some sort is un­der­way at the con­tro­ver­sial Tur­ing Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals.

Tipped off on Fri­day that CEO and co-founder Ron Tilles — a close as­so­ciate of for­mer Tur­ing CEO Mar­tin Shkre­li — was leav­ing the top post, the biotech con­firmed to End­points News Sun­day evening that Tilles is be­ing re­placed by chief sci­en­tif­ic of­fi­cer Eliseo Sali­nas. Here’s the state­ment:

“Tur­ing Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals has ap­point­ed Dr. Eliseo Sali­nas, MD, MSc as in­ter­im CEO. Dr. Sali­nas will guide Tur­ing as it moves for­ward to max­i­mize Dara­prim’s suc­cess as the pri­ma­ry al­ter­na­tive for the treat­ment of tox­o­plas­mo­sis in com­bi­na­tion with a sul­fon­amide, and to ad­vance the promis­ing pipeline of new com­pounds for se­vere par­a­sitic in­fec­tions, while Mr. Tilles will re­main a mem­ber of Tur­ing’s board.”

Endpoints News

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