Seat­tle Ge­net­ics/Astel­las win pri­or­i­ty US re­view for armed an­ti­body aimed at blad­der can­cer

Seat­tle Ge­net­ics has se­cured a speedy re­view of its sec­ond armed an­ti­body, cour­tesy of the FDA.

The com­pa­ny’s ‘break­through’ Astel­las-part­nered drug — en­for­tum­ab ve­dotin — has pro­cured pri­or­i­ty re­view from the US reg­u­la­tor, af­ter da­ta showed it helped pa­tients with a stub­born type of blad­der can­cer.

The drug-in­duced a 44% ob­jec­tive re­sponse rate (ORR) in 128 pa­tients whose dis­ease had pro­gressed de­spite treat­ment with both plat­inum-con­tain­ing chemother­a­py and a check­point in­hibitor in the one-arm EV-201 study. About 12% of the pa­tients ex­pe­ri­enced a com­plete re­sponse, Seat­tle Ge­net­ics dis­closed at AS­CO this June.

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