SEC sin­gles out Zai Lab, BeiGene, Hutchmed for reg­u­la­to­ry scruti­ny — with threats of delist­ing

Three of the most promi­nent drug­mak­ers with roots in Chi­na — Zai Lab, BeiGene and Hutchmed — have been flagged by the SEC for fail­ing to com­ply with a law gov­ern­ing US-list­ed com­pa­nies.

In the worst case sce­nario, they could be delist­ed in 2024 and banned from Amer­i­can stock ex­changes.

And they could just be the tip of the ice­berg as ten­sion be­tween the US and Chi­na con­tin­ues to brew. In state­ments re­spond­ing to the SEC’s pro­vi­sion­al list, all three com­pa­nies sug­gest they ex­pect more com­pa­nies to come un­der reg­u­la­to­ry scruti­ny as they file their an­nu­al re­ports.

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