Endpoints News at BIO23 in Boston (Photographer: Michael Last)

See you at BIO: Chi­na ten­sions, fix­ing gene ther­a­py’s busi­ness mod­el, and the stop-start mar­ket re­cov­ery

In two weeks, the End­points News team will be head­ing out to San Diego for BIO. And at our event on Mon­day, June 3, we’ll be talk­ing about some of the most im­por­tant top­ics fac­ing the in­dus­try right now.

We’ll fea­ture in­ter­views with biotech in­flu­encers, in­clud­ing Genen­tech AI ex­pert and head of re­search and ear­ly de­vel­op­ment Aviv Regev, Roivant CEO Matt Gline, mar­ket gu­ru and Stifel banker Tim Opler, leg­endary an­a­lyst-turned biotech ex­ec Ja­mi Ru­bin, and many oth­ers.

We’ll al­so dis­cuss what it will take for gene ther­a­py’s busi­ness mod­el to catch up with gene ther­a­py’s sci­ence. And our found­ing ed­i­tor John Car­roll will lead a con­ver­sa­tion about the win­ners and losers in what we some­times call the stop-start biotech re­cov­ery.

I’m al­so hap­py to share that our news­room has made cov­er­ing the US-Chi­na re­la­tion­ship a core fo­cus this year. At BIO, we’re con­ven­ing ex­perts to talk about where pol­i­cy, geopol­i­tics and in­dus­try are head­ed in what I think could be the most im­por­tant is­sue fac­ing bio­phar­ma right now.

You can see our full agen­da for Mon­day here. If you’re a sub­scriber, you’ll get a dis­count on tick­ets with the dis­count code BIOIn­sid­er when you reg­is­ter.

I hope you’ll join us. If you can make it in per­son, say hel­lo to me and our oth­er jour­nal­ists who will be on site. We al­ways love meet­ing read­ers and hear­ing what you think.

-Drew Arm­strong, Ex­ec­u­tive Ed­i­tor

Global Head of Marketing


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