Sen­ate Dems cling to a sim­ple ma­jor­i­ty to pass some of the biggest drug pric­ing re­forms ever

The Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal Re­search and Man­u­fac­tur­ers of Amer­i­ca — and their fleet of drug in­dus­try lob­by­ists on Capi­tol Hill — are known for nev­er los­ing.

When­ev­er a big drug pric­ing bill comes up, an army of the in­dus­try group’s lob­by­ists de­scend on­to the Hill and ei­ther smash it out­right or dis­man­tle it piece by piece.

But for per­haps the largest drug pric­ing re­forms ever en­act­ed, af­ter more than a decade of Con­gress try­ing and fail­ing to al­low Medicare to ne­go­ti­ate pre­scrip­tion drug prices, those same lob­by­ists and their bio­phar­ma clients were dealt a stun­ning blow on Sun­day af­ter­noon.

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