Sen­a­tor Har­ris comes out swing­ing against Alk­er­mes and its CEO, at­tack­ing an opi­oid drug fran­chise

Alk­er­mes has earned a high-pro­file po­lit­i­cal foe on Capi­tol Hill. And the show­down sud­den­ly erupt­ed in­to a high-stakes bat­tle to­day aimed at one of the com­pa­ny’s fran­chise drugs.

Cal­i­for­nia Sen­a­tor Ka­mala Har­ris to­day came out swing­ing at the Waltham, MA-based com­pa­ny — domi­ciled in Ire­land for tax pur­pos­es. In a let­ter to Alk­er­mes  $ALKS CEO Richard Pops, Har­ris seized on a string of re­ports in The New York Times and else­where claim­ing that Alk­er­mes as­signed sales reps to the courts in an at­tempt to beat the bush­es for big­ger sales of its opi­oid ad­dic­tion drug Viv­it­rol.

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