Sesen Bio, af­ter years on the edge of ir­rel­e­van­cy, scores speedy re­view for long ges­tat­ing blad­der can­cer pro­gram

Af­ter years spent in the pen­ny stock range, Sesen Bio has nabbed a long-await­ed FDA re­view for its an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gate blad­der can­cer pro­gram.

The FDA will give an ac­cel­er­at­ed au­dit to Sesen and its blad­der can­cer can­di­date Vicineum, an an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gate ac­quired in the com­pa­ny’s buy­out of Toron­to-based Viven­tia back in 2016. Sesen is pen­ciled in for an Aug 18 PDU­FA, and there is no ad­comm on the dock­et right now, the com­pa­ny said.

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