Shak­ing up Chi­na's PD-(L)1 re­im­burse­ment land­scape, In­novent, Eli Lil­ly earn cov­et­ed spot on na­tion­al cov­er­age

In­novent and Eli Lil­ly have claimed the first-ever spot for a PD-(L)1 in­hibitor on Chi­na’s Na­tion­al Re­im­burse­ment Drug List — at a steep dis­count price that could al­ter the mar­ket land­scape for every oth­er check­point drug in the coun­try.

Start­ing in 2020, Tyvyt will be avail­able for RMB2843 ($403) per 100mg, down about 64% from its orig­i­nal price of RMB7838/100mg ($1117.96).

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