Shift­ing fo­cus, Sanofi agrees to pay Re­gen­eron $462M for an ear­ly wrap of their big I/O al­liance

Sanofi has agreed to hand $462 mil­lion to Re­gen­eron for an ear­ly wrap to their im­muno-on­col­o­gy al­liance, nar­row­ly lim­it­ing an R&D re­la­tion­ship that will now con­cen­trate on 2 lead pro­grams in the clin­ic and leav­ing each of the com­pa­nies free to pur­sue their own fates in I/O as they move to be­gin shut­ter­ing one of the in­dus­try’s most pro­duc­tive de­vel­op­ment al­liances.

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