Maya Martinez-Davis via Linkedin

Shift­ing fo­cus to on­col­o­gy, GSK re­cruits a can­cer vet as new chief of US phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals — adding an­oth­er woman to the top ranks of bio­phar­ma

Jack Bai­ley GSK

The slow-mov­ing over­haul of the lead­er­ship and strat­e­gy at GSK is tak­ing a fresh turn to­day, and bring­ing an­oth­er woman to the top ranks of the in­dus­try.

Glax­o­SmithK­line said to­day that US phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals pres­i­dent Jack Bai­ley “has de­cid­ed to step down” at the end of the year.

Endpoints News

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