An IDWeek attendee looks at her 'warrior' AI-generated image, created as part of a Shionogi brand campaign extension.

Sh­iono­gi brings gen­er­a­tive AI to med­ical con­fer­ences with 'War­rior' por­trait cam­paign

Sh­iono­gi is bring­ing AI war­riors to life at med­ical con­fer­ences.

With the help of ad agency FCBCURE, the bio­phar­ma added gen­er­a­tive ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence to its al­ready-run­ning in­fec­tious dis­ease “War­riors” cam­paign to cre­ate per­son­al­ized im­ages for peo­ple at med­ical con­fer­ences.

Med­ical pro­fes­sion­als can step in­to the pho­to booth — first un­veiled at ID­Week in Boston last month — and in six sec­onds see them­selves in a per­son­al­ized me­dieval war­rior im­age, shown on large screens at the con­fer­ence and de­liv­ered dig­i­tal­ly to each per­son in email.

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