David Ricks, Eli Lilly CEO (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Lil­ly’s Sig­ilon buy­out came more than a year af­ter the di­a­betes cell ther­a­py part­ner first broached the idea

Well be­fore its sale to Eli Lil­ly, Sig­ilon Ther­a­peu­tics con­tem­plat­ed an ex­it to its di­a­betes part­ner in late 2021, af­ter the cell ther­a­py biotech pruned its pipeline. But the Big Phar­ma didn’t bite, ac­cord­ing to new doc­u­ments filed with the SEC.

Once a high-fly­ing biotech out of Flag­ship Pi­o­neer­ing, Sig­ilon and Lil­ly teamed up on a di­a­betes cell ther­a­py pro­gram in 2018, and the Boston-area biotech then went pub­lic in De­cem­ber 2020. But it would end up run­ning in­to mul­ti­ple set­backs be­fore agree­ing to the up to $309 mil­lion deal.

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