An artist rendering of SK Life's booth at AAN opening this weekend shows the stimulated rainstorm and 'halfway' umbrella theme.

SK Life Sci­ence sets up an in­door rain­storm to point to its an­ti-seizure drug Xco­pri's full cov­er­age

Peo­ple who have seizures don’t just want re­lief, they want the seizures to stop, and SK Life Sci­ence is un­der­scor­ing that de­sire with its “Half Way” cam­paign for Xco­pri that is set to de­but this week­end at the Amer­i­can Acad­e­my of Neu­rol­o­gy’s an­nu­al meet­ing in Boston.

Play­ing on the sta­tus quo of a 50% re­duc­tion in seizures, the Xco­pri booth will be half-cov­ered by a gi­ant um­brel­la while a sim­u­lat­ed rain­storm rages. The on­site brand team will wear full-cov­er­age pur­ple rain gear to high­light the un­der­ly­ing mes­sage that Xco­pri of­fers the pos­si­bil­i­ty of ze­ro seizures. In its stud­ies, as many as one in five peo­ple had no seizures dur­ing the main­te­nance pe­ri­od. Xco­pri was ap­proved in 2019 to treat par­tial-on­set seizures in adults.

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