Some wor­thy ini­tia­tives out of the FDA fall far short of an ef­fec­tive fed­er­al plan to rein in drug prices

Over the last five months I’ve spent more time watch­ing video streams out of the na­tion’s cap­i­tal than I did in all of the past five years (thank you C-Span). Law­mak­ers, over­all, have been very oblig­ing to the bio­phar­ma in­dus­try on a bi­par­ti­san ba­sis. And when there was ir­reg­u­lar news to re­port from DC, it gen­er­al­ly dealt with is­sues like an ex­tend­ed pe­ri­od of ex­clu­siv­i­ty for bi­o­log­ics or fresh de­mands for swifter drug re­views cou­pled to new in­cen­tives.

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