The Novotech and King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, in Bangkok Thailand partnership team.

With ac­cess to 1.4 bil­lion po­ten­tial Asia-Pa­cif­ic tri­al par­tic­i­pants, Novotech CRO can help get your drug to mar­ket faster

The Asia-Pa­cif­ic is now the undis­put­ed clin­i­cal tri­als pow­er­house and Novotech CRO, which has been man­ag­ing tri­als in the Asia-Pa­cif­ic for 22 years, has seen this trans­for­ma­tion first hand. Cities now boast lead­ing med­ical fa­cil­i­ties and mega hos­pi­tals some with more than 9,000 beds and 28,000 out­pa­tients a day. Mean­while they are of­fer­ing un­par­al­leled ac­cess to pa­tient clin­i­cal da­ta sys­tems, some ca­pa­ble of tap­ping more than 10 mil­lion de-iden­ti­fied records.

John Moller, Novotech

While from a dis­tance the re­gion daz­zles with po­ten­tial ac­cess to more than 1.4 bil­lion peo­ple liv­ing in ur­ban ar­eas, how­ev­er Novotech quick­ly re­al­ized that to reach these peo­ple, re­la­tion­ships mat­tered. So the com­pa­ny has been on a strate­gic mis­sion to part­ner with some of the biggest and most pres­ti­gious Asian med­ical fa­cil­i­ties to en­sure rapid ac­cess to pa­tients, as well as lead­ing PIs, world-class re­search teams and tech­nol­o­gy.

But more im­por­tant­ly, these re­la­tion­ships have cut study start-up times down to of­ten just a few months sav­ing clients time and mon­ey, and get­ting drugs to mar­ket faster. In­deed, in glob­al tri­als the Novotech-man­aged re­gion­al tri­als of­ten out­per­form, mak­ing the Asia-Pa­cif­ic an in­creas­ing­ly com­pelling des­ti­na­tion.

“Our in-coun­try re­la­tion­ships en­able a more com­pre­hen­sive un­der­stand­ing of lo­cal reg­u­la­to­ry changes, ac­cess to lead­ing PIs, strong site con­nec­tions, and pro­duc­tive pa­tient pop­u­la­tions to de­liv­er suc­cess for our clients with­in time­lines and bud­gets,” said Novotech CEO Dr. John Moller.

As Frost & Sul­li­van says in its Asia: Pre­ferred Des­ti­na­tion for Clin­i­cal Tri­als pa­per, the re­gion fea­tures “vast treat­ment-naive pa­tient pools, ex­cep­tion­al clin­i­cal in­fra­struc­ture and tal­ent, and low op­er­a­tional costs.” It adds that “Asian coun­tries are be­gin­ning to show sim­i­lar or high­er in­ci­dence rates of ma­jor dis­eases to West­ern na­tions, pro­vid­ing a com­pa­ra­ble en­vi­ron­ment to con­duct clin­i­cal tri­als.”

In its re­port, Frost & Sul­li­van said two of the key fac­tors bio­phar­ma spon­sors should con­sid­er when se­lect­ing a CRO are “re­gion­al pres­ence and net­work”.

Novotech has now signed 10 part­ner­ships with the lead­ing med­ical in­sti­tu­tions across Asia to ac­cel­er­ate qual­i­ty clin­i­cal re­search for its spon­sors. As part of all the part­ner­ship agree­ments, Novotech will bring ear­ly phase stud­ies to the fa­cil­i­ties, and tap their lead­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tors and clin­i­cal staff to sup­port client re­search.

In ad­di­tion, the part­ner fa­cil­i­ties will:

  • as­sist with fea­si­bil­i­ty as­sess­ments.
  • iden­ti­fy po­ten­tial pa­tients.
  • work close­ly with Novotech to ef­fi­cient­ly start-up stud­ies.

Novotech, which now has 11 of­fices through­out the re­gion, has this month ex­pand­ed by ac­quir­ing lead­ing spe­cial­ist CRO CNS with the view of sup­port­ing CNS bio­phar­ma client com­pa­nies run­ning first in hu­man and ear­ly phase tri­als in Aus­tralia and New Zealand, up in­to Asia for their lat­er phase tri­als.

For more in­for­ma­tion please con­tact Novotech CRO.