From L-R: Latus CSO Jang-Ho Cha, Latus CEO Peter Ghoroghchian and co-founder Beverly Davidson

Ex­clu­sive: Spark co-founder launch­es new CNS gene ther­a­py biotech with $54M

Jang-Ho Cha had no in­ter­est in leav­ing his post at No­var­tis, where he led trans­la­tion­al med­i­cine for the phar­ma gi­ant’s work in neu­ro­science.

But in the sum­mer of 2022, he re­ceived a call from a leader in the field of gene ther­a­py: Bev­er­ly David­son, co-founder of Spark Ther­a­peu­tics and di­rec­tor of the Cen­ter for Cel­lu­lar and Mol­e­c­u­lar Ther­a­peu­tics at Chil­dren’s Hos­pi­tal of Philadel­phia. She formed a biotech based on ex­cit­ing vec­tor cap­sid work com­ing out of her lab and want­ed to see if Cha would join. The two had been friends for two decades, and giv­en how much he ad­mired her sci­en­tif­ic rig­or, he de­cid­ed to lis­ten to her pitch.

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