Speak­er Nan­cy Pelosi to un­veil bill for fed­er­al­ly ne­go­ti­at­ed drug prices

Af­ter months of buzz from both sides of the aisle, Speak­er Nan­cy Pelosi will to­day in­tro­duce her plan to al­low the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to ne­go­ti­ate prices for 250 pre­scrip­tion drugs, set­ting up a show­down with a phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal in­dus­try work­ing over­time to pre­vent it.

The need to lim­it drug prices is a rare point of agree­ment be­tween Pres­i­dent Trump and De­moc­rats, al­though the pres­i­dent has yet to com­ment on the pro­pos­al and will like­ly face pres­sure to back a more con­ser­v­a­tive op­tion or no bill at all. Re­pub­li­can Sen­a­tor Chuck Grass­ley is re­port­ed­ly lob­by­ing his fel­low par­ty mem­bers on a more mod­est pro­pos­al he ne­go­ti­at­ed with De­mo­c­ra­t­ic Sen­a­tor Ron Wyden in Ju­ly.

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