Start­up mak­ing soft­ware for phar­ma man­u­fac­tur­ing in­dus­try nets $12M+ Se­ries A

Ganymede Bio CEO and co-founder Nathan Clark claims soft­ware for biotechs is 10 to 20 years be­hind oth­er in­dus­tries. His com­pa­ny just re­ceived $12.75 mil­lion to pro­vide drug­mak­ers with more op­tions.

Ganymede Bio is a cloud in­fra­struc­ture provider tar­get­ing the life sci­ence and phar­ma man­u­fac­tur­ing in­dus­tries. The start­up, which was on­ly found­ed this year, un­veiled its Se­ries A round on Tues­day. Com­bined with an ear­li­er seed round, the com­pa­ny has raised a to­tal of $15.6 mil­lion as it works to se­cure more clients in the man­u­fac­tur­ing and bio­phar­ma space.

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