Douglas Eby, founder and CEO of Kyttaro (Harvard)

Stealth UK biotech in-li­cens­es Lil­ly can­di­dates in pur­suit of 'in­hibit­ing the in­hibitor' in car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease

Just last April, biotech in­cu­ba­tor Cam­bridge Sci­ence spun out a tiny biotech to fo­cus sole­ly on car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease. A year lat­er, it has ac­quired two ear­ly-stage can­di­dates de­vel­oped in the forges of Eli Lil­ly’s R&D labs — and while the biotech won’t re­lease any fi­nan­cial specifics yet, it’s bar­rel­ing full-steam ahead to the clin­ic.

The biotech in ques­tion? A tiny UK-based start­up called Kyt­taro, with an of­fice in Cam­bridge, MA. While founder and CEO Dou­glas Eby has been based out of Har­vard for the last cou­ple of years, Eby said that he and the in­cu­ba­tor he found­ed de­cid­ed that the UK would be a bet­ter place to start the com­pa­ny. The val­u­a­tions of UK biotechs were more promis­ing than in the US, he said.

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